NZ NEWS | A woman fatally stabbed her partner in the head

Kia-ara Richardson in trial. Photo credit: Newstalkzb/George Heard

An Ashburton woman, Kia-ara Richardson, was sentenced to over four years in jail for fatally stabbing her partner, Peter Tawhiwhiorangi Hemi.

Hemi was killed at his McDonald St home on November 8, 2019. Richardson was initially charged with murder, but at her trial, she was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.

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The use of a knife, the victim’s vulnerability, and the toxic relationship between Richardson and Hemi were outlined as part of the police narrative of the killing by Crown Prosecutor Andrew McRae.

Justice Cameron Mander, who presided over the case, took into account aggravating features of Richardson’s offending, including the use of a weapon, the victim’s vulnerability, and the age and personal circumstances of the victim.

Richardson’s upbringing was marked by deprivation, family neglect, and abuse, as well as exposure to drugs, gangs, and frequent changes of residence. She began using drugs at a young age and was involved in an abusive relationship as a teenager, during which she started using methamphetamine.

A pre-sentence report based on interviews with Richardson showed that she immediately regretted her actions after Hemi’s death but has since been unwilling to accept responsibility for his death.

Justice Mander noted that Richardson continues to deny the offense despite overwhelming evidence and did not receive credit for remorse in her sentencing. Considering all factors, Richardson was sentenced to four years and three months’ imprisonment.

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