FJ NEWS | Fiji Police has arrested 28 officers for violating the zero-tolerance policy on illicit drugs

Fiji Police has arrested 28 officers for violating the zero-tolerance policy on illicit drugs

28 police officers have been charged with offences under the Illicit Drugs Control Act 2004 in Fiji.

Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew states that the Fiji Police Force maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards officers involved in drug-related activities.

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He emphasizes that officers are regularly reminded of this policy and that their actions are personal choices.

Fong Chew assures the public that the perception that police involvement in drug-related activities is widespread. It is unfounded and that internal measures are being implemented to address the issue.

Police are urging the public to report any suspected involvement of police officers in illegal activities.

Police are assuring that thorough investigations will be carried out.

The Acting Commissioner acknowledges the need to work hard to change this perception and assures the public that internal measures are being implemented to address the issue.

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