FJ NEWS | Police are urging parents to be vigilant about their children’s whereabouts

Police are urging parents to be vigilant about their children's whereabouts
Police are urging parents to be vigilant about their children's whereabouts

Police in Suva are urging parents and guardians to be vigilant about their children’s whereabouts.

This comes after two reports of missing children reuniting with their families.

Kiwi Web House

As the end of major festivals and the two-week school holiday approaches.

There is a growing concern about young people loitering.

Nightclub operators have been warned not to allow minors in, and officers have made arrests for unlawful possession of illicit drugs.

Three arrests have been made for alleged possession of marijuana and methamphetamine. The substances have been sent for analysis.

Officers on beat patrol have also encountered unattended vehicles.

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