Al-Madinah School Celebrates Silver Jubilee | NZ FIJI TIMES


UPDATED: 8:12pm –  Al-Madinah is a state integrated area school. The school was provisionally registered on 17 August, 1992 and received its full registration as a full primary school on 17 December, 1992.

Secondary section of the school was added in 1995; hence Al-Madinah became an area school. The school was integrated into state education system in 1996.

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The school was initially registered in Otahuhu. The land in Mangere on which the current school is housed on was purchased in 1993. The school’s first block of classrooms was built in 1994.

Between 2007 and 2013 major upgrade including construction of B block was added to the property as part of infrastructure growth. The latest development to the property upgrade has been the uplifting of A block which included the addition of a total new administration block.

The completion of this project has been an integral part of the silver jubilee celebration.

The school humbly started with two staff and 9 students in 1992 and currently it has over 60 staff, 550 local students and two international students.

The school’s academic results in its initial years were very poor but through consistent effort and improved teaching style and the pedagogical practice the results has vastly improved. For the last 7 years the NCEA results have been between 85 to 100%.

Moving forward from here, the school is looking to develop lifelong learners and educators who can manage themselves as well as lead others. Hence they can be good Muslims as well as good New Zealand and global citizens.

Report by: Asin Ali (Principal)

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