NZ NEWS | Auckland man has been charged with over 40...

An Auckland man has been charged with over 40 offenses against women and young girls over a decade, including unlawful intimate video recordings and...

FJ NEWS | Man sentenced to 12 years for raping niece

A 48-year-old man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing his 12-year-old niece over a year. The man, a security officer,...

NZ NEWS | Police are conducting an investigation into the murderer...

An investigation is underway regarding Phillip John Smith, a notorious killer and prison escapee, who appeared before the Parole Board for the 14th time...

FJ NEWS | The budget allocation has been increased to promote...

The Ministry of Justice has received a significant budget increase, bringing its operational budget to $5 million, an increase of $1,043,000. This increase aims to...

NZ NEWS | Auckland man pleaded guilty to attempted murder at...

A 45-year-old man from Auckland pleaded guilty to attempted murder after a stabbing incident at a McDonald's restaurant. The victim sustained serious injuries and needed...

FJ NEWS | Man has been sentenced to 14 years in...

A 38-year-old man in Tailevu, Latvia, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for two counts of rape. The crime occurred when the victim...

NZ NEWS | Domino’s Pizza franchise owner has been sentenced

Former Domino's Pizza franchise Canterbury owner Chang-Wei Tsao, also known as David Tsao, has been sentenced to 10 months of home detention for alleged...

FJ NEWS | The attorney general asserts that no individual or...

Attorney General Graham Leung has been appointed without political party membership, which allows him to maintain greater independence and to speak with more candor...

FJ NEWS | Immigration Department will launch an online application portal.

As Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua announced, the Immigration Department in Fiji plans to launch an online application portal to enhance the efficiency and...

PAC NEWS | A Fijian man in Sydney has been charged...

A Fijian man has been charged with the murder of his Fijian girlfriend in Sydney, allegedly due to a domestic violence attack. Police found 21-year-old...






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