FIJI NEWS: Delays to social welfare payments in Fiji is growing public frustration with the government


Open dissatisfaction with the administration is developing in Fiji over postponements to social government assistance installments for families made helpless by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many senior residents guaranteed they were made to hang tight for quite a long time outside their banks a week ago, for month to month money related help.

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A considerable lot of them had supposedly made a trip to Suva from far off territories where some returned with practically nothing.

Social government assistance serve Mereseini Vuniwaqa said she knew about the postponement and had apologized for the bother.

“We have been locked in seriously consistently. The preparing of records each month, it’s a serious procedure to get to the financial balances. So truly, there was a deferral. It’s shocking and we do apologize for that.”

Vuniwaqa said the service had helped around 77,000 individuals through its different plans.

Ten-thousand of whom expected to submit re-affirmation applications to keep on getting remittances, Vuniwaqa said.

Prior, the service reported the Australian government had given $US4.7 million to empower top-ups for the government assistance security programs.

Vuniwaqa said the top-ups gave extra help to weak families who were subject to social government assistance because of the pandemic.

Altered by NZ Fiji Times

Image source - RNZ
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