FIJI NEWS:- Despite the request from the family, Fiji Sun has gone ahead to print pictures today


During yesterday’s funeral, there were announcements at the Votualevu College Hall and at the cemetary that photos were not to be taken off the griefing family members.

This was a request from the family.

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Last night’s TV news on Fiji One and FBC News had no such images. Today’s Fiji Times has no such image.

But the Fiji Sun has gone ahead to print two pictures today. (I have pixelated the images – Anish Chand)

Today’s Fiji Sun

Section 15 of the MIDA legislation states under Grief and Bereavement – Media organisations shall respect personal grief, taking care to make any necessary approaches and inquiries with sensitivity and discretion.

I am posting this because I think it was wrong of the Fiji Sun to print these pictures. Said (Anish Chand)

That is off course if they did not hear the announcements.

Source: Anish Chand  FB page-Image-Anish Chand FB/page
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