FJ NEWS | Ministry to suspend schools from participating in Deans

Ministry to suspend schools from participating in Deans
Photo: File

Aseri Radrodro, the Minister for Education, has announced that schools participating in the Deans Competition will be suspended if violent behavior from students and schools poses a safety risk.

He will call an urgent meeting with Fiji Secondary Schools Rugby Union officials to discuss the future participation of schools and students who are found to be perpetuating violence and unruly behavior.

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Radrodro urges all schools and students to hold serious discussions on this subject urgently and reminds them that provincial teams have been suspended from participating in local competitions in the past due to their fans or teams being violent and unruly.

He stresses that the safety of the general public, as well as that of students and fans, is paramount.

The incident occurred after Friday’s Deans Eastern Zone Secondary Schools Rugby Competition semi-finals at Dawasamu Ground.

A Year 11 student on the bus was injured and taken to Korovou Hospital.

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