NZ NEWS | The Auckland Council has approved a 10-year budget that includes 6.8% rate hikes

Auckland mayor Wayne Brown.

The Auckland Council has approved its next Long-term Plan, which will result in an average 6.8% increase in rates for Aucklanders.

Mayor Wayne Brown mentioned that these increases were relatively low compared to other council areas. The average homeowner’s rates bill would go up by $245.48 a year, or $4.72 a week.

Kiwi Web House

The rate increase would be 5.8% in 2025/26 and 7.9% in 2026/27. Watercare would raise water bills by 7.2%.

The decision also established the mayor’s Future Fund, which will exchange council shares in Auckland Airport for less risky investments, generating an additional $40 million per year.

The plan also committed to a basics-first transport plan with over $14 billion of capital investment. Council chief executive Phil Wilson emphasized the plan’s focus on building Auckland’s future and delivering outcomes for Aucklanders, particularly addressing current cost-of-living concerns.

The conversation could now shift to wealth creation and how to maximize resources rather than just budget holes and debt.

Kiwi Web House


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