Helicopter rescue after woman falls over cliff


Updated: 9:06pm – A woman has been pulled from the cliffs on Wellington’s south coast, after falling off the edge during a walk.

The Life Flight helicopter was dispatched around 4.30pm, after getting reports of the woman’s fall.

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She was walking from Island Bay to Makara, and was only 10km from her destination when she slipped.

She did not have life-threatening injuries, but was stuck.

The helicopter crew first had to find the woman on Wellington’s jagged southern coast.

When they did, they managed to pull her to safety, and flew back to the capital.

Her injuries are believed to be minor, but she will receive further medical attention when she’s back in the central city.

-NZ Herald

Featured image: Greywacke cliffs across the South Coast. Image/ Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserves 

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