How the Muslim Schools are coping up post Christchurch tragedy


Al Madina School principal Mr. Asin Ali shared with NZ Fiji Times about how the school is coping up with the after effects of Christchurch tragedy.

As the news of the incident started breaking, he recalls everybody was in shock and found it hard to believe such a horrific incident could happen in a peaceful and safe place like New Zealand.

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As soon as the reality started to sink in, devoted his attention towards communicating with students and their parents. It was not an easy walk because there were students who were directly and indirectly effected by the incident. Some of whom, near and distant relatives were victims and that emotion was reflecting on the families of the students, here in Auckland.

Mr Ali as the captain of the ship was holding on to the both ends communicating with media and government, alongside assuring students and families. Special counselling sessions were provided to the students, to understand their emotion and help them cope with the after effects and are still available.

He emphasises on reassuring rather than living things on assurance, he explains the importance of going back and checking on with students if they were alright and would generally ask them to reflect upon.  Most importantly holy Quran helped him to go through this difficult time, he explains with help of verses from Quran things happen for a reason and life and death are inevitable. Holy teachings helped students not only to understand suffrage and pain but also how to grow out of them.

Alongside counselling a regular communication channel has been set up with the students and families in accordance with the government aids and strategies to cope. Mr Ali wholeheartedly welcomes all the government aids and support from the community, which helped the students to reassure about their safety.

AL Madina is the largest Muslim faith school in New Zealand based in Mangere Auckland.

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