Man Who Has Been Drinking And Bathing In His Own Urine


Dave Murphy, the father of two, has been drinking his own urine for the last six years now. The 54-year-old from Basildon, Essex says that his unusual choice of beverage has cured his asthma and is the reason behind his youthful looks.

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Since he started the urine therapy, Dave has been consuming only grapefruit and his own urine as food and sometimes he indulges in a packet of chips. That’s all he eats throughout the day! Besides, Dave bathes in his own urine and uses it to moisturize his face. He started doing this in 2011 after attending a talk on urine therapy.

Dave believes that if everyone in the world started following the urine therapy, the problem of food shortage would be solved soon.

This is how Dave looked before 2011 when he hadn’t started the urine therapy. He claims that his own urine is the ultimate anti-ageing product for his skin.

While some believe that drinking your own urine has no benefits on you but only comes back as a poison, there are others who claim that it cures everything from common cold to cancer to AIDS.

Though our urine is 95% water and 5% metabolites, the urinary tract is host to several bacterias and we don’t think it is a good idea to drink one’s own urine.

The urine therapy is very popular in China where around 3 million people sip their own wee everyday.

-Daily Bhaskar

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