Police slam Rugby League World Cup celebrations as ‘disgusting, irresponsible’


Updated: 6:47am – Disgusting, irresponsible and thug-like behaviour is how police would describe some people’s actions after the latest lot of Rugby League World Cup celebrations.

After Tonga’s quarterfinal win on Saturday 11 people were arrested in Otahuhu in South Auckland.

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Despite the number of arrests being down from previous weekends, Area Commander Inspector Naila Hassan said the behaviour was much worse and has steadily deteriorated since the beginning of the tournament.

Inspector Hassan said police were probably too patient with crowds but responsibility needs to go on the perpetrators.

“They have no concern for other members of the public, for our community, in terms of the property, in terms of the people that live within that community. It’s a disgrace.”

She said the officer was extremely lucky to escape with the injuries she received.

Five officers were trying to control a group of 15 who were “inciting violence and throwing missiles” at police.

When trying to arrest one of the main instigators, the female officer was hit in the back of the head without warning and unprovoked.

She suffered head injuries and an arm injury from falling.

Inspector Hassan said a full investigation is underway.

“Extremely disappointed with that behaviour. And I believe the group weren’t actually related to the fans that were celebrating. They were just there to be thugs and to cause trouble.”

Inspector Hassan said the officer is recovering well at home.

“She’s got a lot of really good support from her police colleagues, police leadership team. She had a phone call from the Commissioner yesterday, which was really nice to hear.”

Despite the violence, the police were pleased with the family zone set up after the Tongan Rugby League World Cup quarterfinal.

None of the arrests came from the family zone.

Inspector Hassan said the zone went well from a policing perspective.

“There’s a lot of families there, there’s a lot of people having fun, so its great interaction and community involvement with the police that were present there patrolling the event. I think that went well.”


Featured image: After Tonga’s quarterfinal win on Saturday 11 people were arrested in Otahuhu in South Auckland. (Photo \ NZ Herald)

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