FJ NEWS | Sayed Khaiyum and Vimlesh Sagar are scheduled to submit their pleas in October

Sayed-Khaiyum and Vimlesh Sagar are scheduled to submit their pleas in October
Former CEO of the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation, Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, and the Chief Financial Officer, Vimlesh Sagar. Photo credit: Fiji Village

The former CEO of the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation, Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, and the Chief Financial Officer, Vimlesh Sagar, are scheduled to enter their pleas in October at the Suva Magistrates Court.

Sayed-Khaiyum has been charged with one count of office abuse and general dishonesty, leading to a loss.

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He is accused of initiating five legal proceedings without the knowledge and approval of the FBC board of directors. Between July 2017 and January 2023, the company experienced a revenue gain of $138,813.

However, he pursued legal cases that were not in the interest of FBC, resulting in a loss of $138,813.37.

Sagar, on the other hand, is charged with one count of general dishonesty, which resulted in a loss. He is accused of approving a $15,075 payment to R Patel Lawyers, knowing it would cause a loss.

Additionally, he is accused of circumventing the tender process in FBC’s finance manual. Which he procure a vehicle for $207,470, which was prejudicial to FBC’s rights.

Sagar is also accused of purchasing a vehicle worth $84,470, not in the interest of FBC, knowing it would cause a loss.

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