We do not recognize Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum as the Chairman of ATS – ATS Employees Trust


Updated: 6:26am – The ATS Employees Trust says that they still stand by their earlier legal action in court where they say that they do not recognize Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum as the Chairman of ATS.

When questioned by Fijivillage on why the Employees Trust met with Sayed-Khaiyum yesterday when they do not recognize him, Trust Secretary, Vili Finau said that they still stand by that as the matter is in court however they see Sayed-Khaiyum as the purported Chairman.

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Fijivillage has also received confirmation that ATS Employees Trust Chairman, Jay Dhir Singh and legal representative, Kevueli Tunidau were earlier removed from the ATS board as alternate board members due to alleged conflict of interest.

Finau confirms that these two trust representatives were removed and they also have that issue before the courts.

We are currently trying to speak to the Chairman of ATS Employees Trust, Jay Dhir Singh who is overseas.

-Fiji Village

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