VIDEO: Winston Peters says ‘wait and see’ | NZ FIJI TIMES


Updated: 11:25am – New Zealand First leader Winston Peters will be talking to colleagues “over the next few days” about which party he will support.

Watch Winston Peters speaking to reporters in Northland this morning:

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On last night’s results, National, with a likely 58 seats, and Labour-Greens with 52 seats between them, would need Mr Peters to form a government.

Both National and Labour parties are starting attempts to form a government.

Winston Peters / Photo Newstalkzb

“Nobody quite knows what the result last night means,” Mr Peters told reporters at Russell in Northland this morning.

The special votes have still to be counted and some things could change, marginally, he said.

“In the mean time we’ve just got to wait and see what that means – talk to my colleagues over the next few days.

“And then we’ll tell you what we’re prepared to do.”

Mr Peters said he hadn’t received any calls this morning.


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