Another municipal council is now under investigation for alleged corruption.


Another civil chamber is currently being scrutinized for supposed defilement.

Neighborhood Government Minister Premila Kumar affirms an examination is being completed at the Savusavu Town Council.

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Kumar says the Council didn’t set up a yearly report over the most recent 10 years ¤and their records are presently being evaluated.

It’s maltreatment. It’s a maltreatment of office that we are taking a gander at in light of the fact that when staff are selected for such positions they should serve the ratepayers and guarantee that the cash that is being depended to them is spent according to the spending plan or according to the conversation with the exceptional heads and the thought is to get an incentive for cash and not waste cash of things that you can evade.”

Kumar says the matter is with the Fiji Independent Commission against Corruption.

“One of the issues that we do have for the Savusavu Town Council was the substitution of a vehicle, a vehicle which was working in a decent condition and it was just two years of age. For what reason would you need to supplant a vehicle and sell that vehicle at a lower cost through a delicate interaction so didn’t sound good to us and such matter is being taken a gander at by FICAC.”

Exceptional Administrator Doreen Robinson says the matter is currently with FICAC and meanwhile, they are zeroing in on different territories.

Then, during a parliament sitting a week ago, the Local Government Minister featured that over 20 years prior, debasement matters were hidden where no one will think to look.

She shed light on the offer of 150 sections of land of freehold land which was once claimed by the Savusavu Town Council.

She says the chosen councilors decided to sell prime 80 sections of land of land for peanuts.

Kumar says the land was purchased by councilors, their companions and their relatives.

She adds the Savusavu Town Council likewise auctions off another six bunches of prime foreshore to the councilor’s significant other and the councilor’s companions and family members.

Kumar says because of this they are currently not ready to extend the market, transport, taxi and transporter remain in Savusavu on the grounds that the encompassing properties were auctions off.

-FBC News
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