Over 16,000 doses of vaccines have been administered since the restart of the COVID-19


More than 16,000 dosages of antibodies have been managed since the restart of the COVID-19 inoculation crusade.

Wellbeing Permanent Secretary, Doctor James Fong, says of the 16,148 dosages managed, an aggregate of 13,398 first portions were regulated to individuals living between Suva-Nausori regions.

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He says 2,750 second portions were given to the front liners across Fiji.

Starting yesterday, 111,801 individuals in Fiji have gotten the principal portion of COVID-19 antibody and this is 17% of the objective populace of 650,000 people.

The Health Ministry says it recognizes the help of the diverse government services, offices including RFMF, Fiji Police, common society gatherings and customary Fijians who have approached in the effective carry out of the immunization program.

Image source - FBC News
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