A huge drop in sales recorded by Lautoka market vendors since last year.


the merchants state Fijians are not spending like they used to before the pandemic.

Praneeta Nair says the market is generally swirling from midweek, anyway that is not the case any longer as many individuals are unemployed.”Today just the merchants here, slack. Before it was acceptable on petition day they come, on Saturday and Friday occupied yet nowadays no more.”

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Nair says she has been at the Lautoka market for right around 30 years now, and what they are encountering is testing.

Another seller Arti Singh says a portion of her things like mats have been on the table from a year ago.

Anyway Singh says, she is thankful for whatever cash she makes.

“This time it’s not occupied yet before it was. We presently make in any event $150 per day before $400-$500 like that.”

Presently to have the option to bring in cash these vendors have needed to cut their costs.

Regardless of the difficult stretches, these sellers stay confident that things may take a contort for better.

-FBC News
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