Banks have agreed to extend the loan repayment holiday till the 31st of March


Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says banks have consented to broaden the advance reimbursement occasion till the 31st of March one year from now while affirmed FNPF individuals will before long have the option to get to upto half of their assets to make home credit installments.

While moving his movement to pass the COVID-19 Response Home Loan Assistance Bill in Parliament today, Sayed-Khaiyum says under this bill, banks should proceed even after the 31st of March.

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He says in case of banks unfit to support this, individuals will have the option to get to their FNPF assets to keep making some home advance installments.

Sayed-Khaiyum says they need to have the Reserve Bank of Fiji to have an oversight on these records since homes are significant.

The Minister says after the bill is passed, a FNPF part can access up to half of their assets despite the fact that they may have gotten to their assets before to give value towards the acquisition of the home credit.

Parliament will discuss the bill this Friday.

-Fiji Village
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