Commander Navy Captain Humphrey Tawake says human trafficking is a global concern

Australian Federal Police detective superintendent senior liaison officer Glen Fisher (centre) with other participants at Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation workshop at Naviti Resort in Sigaoka yesterday. Picture: Luke Nacei.

With an end goal to address issues of illegal exploitation out adrift, the Fiji Navy has actualized new conventions of catching data into its tasks.

Leader Navy Captain Humphrey Tawake says illegal exploitation is a worldwide concern and is viewed as a current type of servitude.

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He says when out adrift, his team altogether examines all vessels and yachts that either enter or cross our boundary.

“That data we carry it and offer it with every one of our partners particularly with customs and police and presumably we can draw an obvious conclusion and afterward fabricated an image from that point of what’s going on. So that is something we’re dealing with.”

The Commander adds this barbaric activity includes the most defenseless.

“The most powerless are the people in question. Ladies and Children and the less blessed in our general public. Those are the ones that are the most defenseless. We must know about all occasions. Of what’s going on locally also. However, for those getting through the lines, I think as a bleeding edge organization out adrift, we do give specific consideration too.”

The Fiji Navy keeps on observing other unlawful exercises, for example, drug exchange and IUU (Illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing.

-FBC News
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