Company fined $12,000 for failing to file tax returns | NZ FIJI TIMES


Update: 10:34pm – Patterson Brothers Transport Ltd has been convicted for failing to file Tax returns to the Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority.

The company pleaded guilty to eight counts of failing to file tax returns as required under section 49 of the Tax Administration Act.

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Chief Executive, Visvanath Das, says the company failed to lodge tax returns from 2008 to 2015 and was imposed a fine of $12,000, that is $1,500 for each count by the Court.

Das says the maximum penalty for failing to file tax returns under the law is $15,000 or twelve months’ imprisonment or both.

He also adds that from the first of next month penalties will be increased to $25,000 or ten years’ imprisonment.

FRCA says there are currently nine pending cases before the court which includes seven companies and two sole traders.

Businesses are reminded to file tax returns in a timely manner and the public are urged to report any information on tax offenders.


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