Goverment to soon make major announcements on housing initiatives


Expect some major announcements from the government on housing initiatives soon.

Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has confirmed this in the Fijian Government Facebook 2019/2020 National Budget consultations with tertiary school students.

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This follows a question raised by a part time university student on whether the Housing Authority can bring its land prices down.

The student says with the current prices of Housing Authority land lots, most of their FNPF and saving would basically be used in purchasing land and building a home leaving them with very little to live on after retirement.

He says the young generation would also probably spend half their life paying off other people’s property through rental payments before they are able to secure enough to purchase a property only outside of town or urban areas.

In response, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says they recognise that access to home ownership must be improved.

He says the government has been providing housing assistance through the First Home Grant, Housing Authority and Public Rental Board.

However, Sayed-Khaiyum says they recognise that they need to be a lot more innovative, and they have been working behind the scenes.

He told the student that people will soon hear some major announcements in this area.

-Fiji Village

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