Majority of people at the Suva Bus Stand say the use of E‑ticketing is efficient


Updated: 6:43am – Majority of people at the Suva Bus Stand say that the use of E‑ticketing is efficient and they are happy with the system.

This was revealed when Fijivillage spoke to a number of passengers at the Suva Bus Stand during peak time yesterday afternoon.

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People say that they are adapting well to the E‑ticketing system.

A 42-year-old woman told Fijivillage that she is happy with the system and that changes need to be accepted as it is inevitable.

Another woman said that it is much safer now as she doesn’t have to carry cash.

Meanwhile, a bus driver told that he had encountered a problem where at least eight out of ten Disposable Cards he was issued at the beginning of his operation , was not working.

Error shown on the E‑Ticketing machine

He then says that apart from the disposable card problem he had encountered, his day operation was smooth.

Meanwhile, the Head of Vodafone E‑Commerce and Corporate Affairs Shailendra Prasad says that drivers need to activate the Disposable Card upon releasing it for use.

He then says that apart from the disposable card problem he had encountered, his day operation was smooth.

Meanwhile, the Head of Vodafone E‑Commerce and Corporate Affairs Shailendra Prasad says that drivers need to activate the Disposable Card upon releasing it for use.

-Fiji Village

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