Man charged for allegedly raping his stepdaughter told by Judge to arrange 2 sureties


Updated: 6:35am – A 45-year-old man charged for allegedly raping his 16-year-old stepdaughter in Vatuwaqa has been told by High Court Judge Justice Riyaz Hamza to arrange two sureties if he wants to get released on bail.

The man is charged with four counts each of rape and sexual assault.

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The alleged incidents happened between May and June this year.

The accused made a bail application with only one surety.

Justice Hamza told the man that the court does not consider bail in this type of case but the defense counsel has made some submissions and he will look into them.

The court was also told that the accused was convicted for two counts of indecent assault and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in 2002.

His bail hearing will take place on the 22nd of next month.

-Fiji Village

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