National challenged over gang, drug policy | NZ FIJI TIMES


UPDATED: 7:32am – The National Party’s being challenged over how it would define gang members in its plans to crackdown on P and gangs.

Police Spokesperson Paula Bennett has announced the party would invest $82 million over four years to tackle methamphetamine use and supply networks.

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Canterbury researcher Dr Jarrod Gilbert said he is concerned by National’s plans to give Police new powers to search cars and houses of the most serious criminal gang members.

“On a practical level will create mayhem because who the police deem to be a gang member and who isn’t deemed to be a gang member will be contested.”

He said National is wrong to think that gangs dominate the drug world and that though P is a huge problem, this won’t fix it.

He said National is wrong to think that gangs dominate the drug world. (Photo \ Getty Images)

“There’s no way on earth this policy is going to have a impact on gangs or drugs but what it is going to do is garner votes,]

Dr Gilbert said the Government should focus on deterring people from meth instead.


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