NATIONAL NEWS:- The leader of Al Noor Mosque is ramping up his campaign to be elected to his local community board.


Imam Gamal Fouda said he wanted to represent his Riccarton community to give back to its residents who supported him through the Christchurch terrorist attack.

“I would like to give back to the community and to be part of the decision making, working together and bringing people together, so that we can actually combat racism,” Mr Fouda said.

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He said his campaign aimed to bring the community together.

“I’m standing to represent the whole community in Riccarton. I’m a normal citizen. I live here, it’s my space, my place.

“The most important thing for me is to listen to your concerns.”

Mr Fouda said he wanted to see more green areas and safe spaces for Riccarton’s youth.

He is running under the ticket of the Labour-affiliated group The People’s Choice. Mr Fouda said he planned to continue his role at the mosque if elected.

His call to prayer a week after the shooting outside the mosque first brought him to the world’s attention.

“We are broken-hearted, but, we are not broken,” he said at his address. “The world can see in us an example of love and unity.”

One resident said: “After March, he dealt with people of all backgrounds, all across the Christchurch community.

“I think that’s really what we need right now.”

Source - tvnz
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