NATIONAL NEWS:- Website updated and new app launched for the SuperGold card


The Government has launched a website update and new app for the SuperGold card which the Minister for Seniors Tracey Martin says will help “tech-savvy older people to stretch their dollar further”.

The website and the app was announced 10 days before May’s Budget, with Deputy Prime Minister and New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters saying the update would make the card a “super, SuperGold card”.

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Peters was at the Sylvia Park mall in Auckland today to re-announce the pre-budget announcement and to herald the launch of the website which goes live today. He called the website upgrade and app – which cost $7.7 million to develop – a “new era” for the SuperGold card.

According to the latest figures, there are more than 750,000 SuperGold cardholders across the country. Of those, 350,000 use a smartphone, according to numbers from 2017. The app can be used to get discounts at participating stores, including Qantas, Countdown, Spark and The Warehouse.

Martin said she hoped this would only be the start and called on more businesses to get onboard. “I’m sure there are plenty of other businesses, local and national, who will want to access this market and help older New Zealanders.” Upgrading the SuperGold card scheme was in the Labour/ New Zealand First coalition agreement.

Source: Nzherald

Featured Image: Deputy Prime Minister Winston” “The SuperGold card had been neglected by the previous Government so plenty of work was needed to supercharge it.” Photo / Nzherald

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