Rusiate Tudravu has reminded Police Superintendents to lead by example.


While administering at the launch of the Superintendent’s Course today at the Fiji Police Academy in Nasova, Tudravu stresses that pioneers need to continually widen their insight inside and past the edges of their work and no pioneer or an individual can actually grow out of the need to adapt particularly in the policing calling which is continually developing.

“I regularly state that you need to self-review yourself in the event that you need to turn into a pioneer. Since what is there with you, will be the things that you will say and giving. You can’t give something that isn’t with you. Your positions don’t consequently qualify you to be a pioneer.”

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Tudravu underscored that there are more commendable pioneers who hold junior positions however they have acquired the degree of regard gave on a pioneer due to their activities and work.

He additionally urged all members to figure out how to understand their latent capacity and build up their abilities as pioneers who can imagine things deliberately.

Fifty officials are essential for a five weeks course aiming to amplify their potential in administrative roles.

The Superintendent’s course additionally gives members proper information, abilities, and mentality to adequately and proficiently order Police activities and organizations in their areas with ideal utilization of accessible assets.

-FBC news
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