The Water Authority of Fiji, Laisiasa Valesu was handed another sentence yesterday.


Valesu who is at present serving six years detainment will presently have an additional three years and four months to serve simultaneously with his present term.

He was condemned in the Suva Magistrates Court yesterday.

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Valesu was accused of one tally every one of maltreatment of office, imitation, and getting a monetary favorable position of $13, 348 out of 2016.

The previous WAF Officer empowered the handling of bogus installments utilizing adulterated archives which permitted him to get the previously mentioned money related preferred position under the Painapiu Sewerage Projects.

A year ago, Valesu was condemned by the Suva High Court for causing a deficiency of more than 300,000 dollars for an offense he submitted between June 2013 and May 2016.

He had the handled bogus installments for Crop and Land Compensation for the Muanikau 5G Project and Nabukalou Project utilizing manufactured Crop Compensation structures and Easement Agreements.

-FBC news
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