We can achieve more if we are united – Acting PM


Updated: 11:20am – “We can achieve more if we are united.”

This was the message by the Acting Prime Minister and the Attorney-General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum at a Firewalking Ceremony in Nacovi Sangam Temple in Nadi.

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Sayed-Khayium says our country will never move forward if we don’t live in unity.

He says when we openly celebrate all our religious functions, we will feel good, we will be exercising our rights too and through that we all be able to understand each other and know each other and become better citizens of this nation.

The Acting Prime Minister says our country has undergone a lot of changes.

He says we need to meet and greet each other more, laugh with each other, and understand each other.

Sayed-Khaiyum says this will bring a lot of peace and happiness.

He says all religions teach us to love each other, have compassion for each other and if someone is distressed and in pain we need to look after them.

-Fiji Village

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