The Economic Empowerment of Women can help Fiji build back better post-COVID-19.


Minister for Women Mereseini Vuniwaqa is resolute the Economic Empowerment of Women can help Fiji work back better post-COVID-19.

Vuniwaqa says when ladies acquire, it benefits the entire family and they re-put a large portion of their income in their families.

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She says ladies’ commitment to mind work, particularly unpaid consideration work, is enormous and this ought to be perceived.

The objective to monetarily engage Fijian ladies will imply that we dispose of unfriendly normal practices, prejudicial laws, give adequate lawful insurances, address sex holes in unpaid family unit and care work, and address inconsistent admittance to computerized, monetary and property resources. It is, accordingly, an ideal opportunity to address unfavorable generalizations and certain predispositions in our general public and furthermore to execute ladies benevolent approaches and undertakings to advance more prominent financial interest of ladies in public turn of events.”

Vuniwaqa says intends to working back and developing our economy will be fruitless without the commitment of our ladies.

She adds the public authority delivers its help to Women Centers and Organization realizing that its venture will be an accomplishment in years to come.

-FBC News
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