Christopher says they hired a boat and even a helicopter to help in the search.


Four days and evenings of stressing is over for the group of two missing anglers who have been saved by townspeople from Dravuni in Ono, Kadavu.

Relative of the two men, Fred Christopher revealed to FBC News that their endurance is downright a supernatural occurrence and they are thankful to the individuals of Dravuni.

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Christopher says they employed a boat and even a helicopter to help in the pursuit.

“It’s a marvel. With the typhoon fermenting up our expectations were somewhat being tested in light of the fact that the tornado was coming and our young men were out adrift, yet I think there is some confidence behind all things and we are appreciative of what ended up and they are alive.”

Police affirm they will before long be making game plans to rejoin the two anglers with their family in Suva.

Police say two men were accounted for missing on Friday subsequent to neglecting to get back from a fishing trip close to Nukulau a day sooner.

Police says assuming the rainclouds hold back Kadavu Police Station Officer Inspector Josua Daveta will visit the two and help them re-visitation of Suva.

Dravuni town headman Joji Kovelali disclosed to FBC News the previously was safeguarded by individuals from the town, after they saw him battling adrift while his relative was found on a close by uninhabited island.

-FBC News
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