FIJI NEWS: Two men charged for supposed attack on cop


Two men blamed for ambushing a cop in Navuca Settlement in Burerua, Tailevu on Monday night have each been accused of one check of Failure to Comply with Orders, Damaging Property, Resisting Arrest, Criminal Trespass and Serious Assault.

The third suspect is still conceded at the CWM Hospital.

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Police Constable Jiutasa Taiki was taking care of the report with another official when there was an upheaval which brought about the gathering of alcoholic speculates contending.

While attempting to control the circumstance, Taiki was supposedly hit on the rear of his head with a stone.

He is recouping at his home.

The speculates who are for the most part ranchers from Naivicula in Tailevu were captured on Tuesday morning.

Altered by NZ Fiji Times

Image source - fijivillage
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