The social media posting is alleged to have been made six days ago.


A man claimed to have required the executing of Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum via online media will return in the Suva Magistrates toward the beginning of today

The online media presenting is asserted on have been made six days back.

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Isikeli Komaisavai of Suva is accused of one tally of causing hurt by posting electronic correspondence.

A report was held up by the Minister after the charged supposedly required his passing in the I-taukei language.

The indictment yesterday didn’t have a problem with his bail, notwithstanding, they requested that the court force exacting bail conditions.

Komaisavai educated the court that he has two guarantees, nonetheless, he couldn’t orchestrate the money bail of $500.

He was been remanded in authority short-term at Totogo Police Station to make plans for the money bail.

The matter will be called again earlier today.

-FBC News
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