Education Minister Rosy Akbar has confirmed they are working to strengthen their Student Behaviour Policy


Training Minister Rosy Akbar has affirmed they are attempting to reinforce their Student Behavior Policy to remove those understudies who are seen as liable of harassing and outrageous conduct including attacking different understudies.

There have been outrageous instances of tormenting answered to Police, the Education Ministry and Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission before.

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On the third of this current month, senior understudies of a Tailevu school matured somewhere in the range of 16 and 18 years supposedly beat 14 junior understudies with a stick.

Police are as yet researching this case.

Akbar says right now they are just guiding and suspending the understudies.

She adds understudies who are in life experience schools and are declining to change their conduct have been approached to leave and go to a school close to their home so they can remain with their folks.

The Education Minister says removing understudies ought to be the last alternative as they need understudies to go to class however sadly the conduct of certain understudies influences others also.

-Fiji Village
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